Moody AFB Inspector General

Welcome to the Moody AFB Inspector General web site.

The 23d Wing Inspector General advises the Wing Commander on the wing's compliance with established directives, ability to execute its assigned mission, leadership effectiveness, management performance, and culture and command climate.

The Inspector General's office focuses on readiness, economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and the state of discipline. To that end, the Inspector General has two subordinate offices.

Complaints Resolution (IGQ) - ensures the integrity and responsiveness of the Complaints Resolution and Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) programs.

Inspections (IGI) - responsible for the overall Commander's Inspection Program (CCIP); develops policies, planning, management tools and processes, and program evaluation for the Wing inspection system.

Complaints Program

Filing an IG Complaint

Air Force military members and civilian employees have a duty to promptly report FWA or gross mismanagement; a violation of law, policy, procedures, or regulations; an injustice; abuse of authority, inappropriate conduct, or misconduct; and a deficiency or like condition, to an appropriate supervisor or commander, to an IG or other appropriate inspector, or through an established grievance channel. Complainants should attempt to resolve the issues at the lowest possible level using command channels before addressing them to a higher level or the IG. The immediate supervisory command chain can often resolve complaints more quickly and effectively than a higher level not familiar with the situation. Use the IG system when referral to the command chain would be futile or there is fear of reprisal.

FWA Program

The primary objective of the FWA program is to eliminate loss of resources and support mission readiness by educating Airmen and civilians on how to prevent, detect and correct FWA issues. The success of the program lies with every individual. Immediately report suspected FWA through your chain of command or to the IG. Your report can also be submitted anonymously.

Fraud: Intentional and unlawful deception to deprive the Air Force of something of value (to which the member is not entitled), for the purpose of personal gain.

Waste: Careless or needless expenditure of Air Force funds from deficient practices and controls.

Abuse: Intentional and wrongful use of Air Force resources which include, but not limited to, equipment, vehicles, rank, position or positions of authority.


Air Force Inspection System (AFIS)

The AFIS is an integrated, synchronized system of inspections conducted on behalf of the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF), the Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) and commanders at all levels. An inspection is any effort to evaluate an organization, function or process by any means or method, including surveys, interviews, assessments, evaluations and audits. The purpose of the AFIS is to enable and strengthen commanders' effectiveness and efficiency, motivate and promote military discipline, improved unit performance, and management excellence up and down the chain of command. The intent of the IG is to continuously improve the AFIS so there is an ever-shrinking difference--both real and perceived--between mission readiness and inspection readiness.


Management Internal Control Toolset (MICT) is an AF program of record used by Airmen to accomplish self-assessment of program management and compliance with higher headquarters directives. MICT provides the supervisor and command chain, from Sq/CC to SECAF, tiered visibility into user-selected compliance reports and program status. MICT also allows Functional Area Managers (FAMs) the ability to monitor unit performance/status. Additionally, MICT can assist IGs with formulating specific inspection methodology and IG team composition for the Commanders Inspection Program (CCIP) and on-site Unit Effectiveness Inspection (UEI). MICT can also help facilitate the Special Interest Item (SII) program by gathering time-sensitive data in an expeditious manner.

Contact Us

Call the IG office at 229-257-1715 or email at

Call the 23d Wing Complaints Resolution office at 229-257-5696 or email at

Call the Inspections office at 229-257-9352 or email at

Call the 93d Air Ground Operations Wing Complaints Resolution office at 229-257-3702 or email at


5090 Gardner St.
Building 115, Ste 105
Moody AFB, Ga 31699

Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) Hotline:
(229) 257-5698



Complainants' Rights

· File an IG complaint at any level without notifying or following the chain of command.
· File a complaint with an IG without fear of reprisal.
· Request withdrawal of their complaint in writing. However, IGs may still look into the allegations at their discretion.
· Request the next higher level IG review their case within 90 days of receiving the IG response. Specific reasons must be given as to why the complainant believes the original investigation was not valid or adequate; simply disagreeing with the findings is not sufficient for additional IG review.
· Request "express confidentiality" if they fear reprisal.
· Submit complaints anonymously.

Complainants' Responsibilities

Complainants must file within 90 days of learning of the alleged wrong. IG complaints not reported within 90 days may seriously impede the gathering of evidence and testimony. The IG may dismiss a complaint if, given the nature of the alleged wrong and the passage of time, there is reasonable probability that insufficient information can be gathered to make a determination, or no special Air Force interests exist to justify investigating the matter. Complainants must cooperate with investigators by providing factual and relevant information regarding the issues. Complainants must understand that they are submitting official statements; therefore, they remain subject to punitive action for knowingly making false statements and submitting other unlawful communications.

Confidentiality Policy

The IG makes every effort to protect the identity of complainants from anyone outside IG channels. IGs may release the name of a complainant only on an official need-to-know basis. Investigating officers do not divulge a complainant's name to a subject or witness or permit the complainant to read the complaint without the IG's or appointing authority's consent.


To file a complaint, fill out this AF Form 102 and email it to