TACP teams are working to reorganize into new capabilities packages that are joint-focused and threat-relevant with a focus on providing resilient, dispersed C2 in support of a future multi-domain battlespace

TACP will continue to provide the support needed for Army operations but will expand their capabilities to provide the C2 capabilities needed for a future fight


Deconflicts and coordinates surface-to-surface long range, air-to-surface, and non-kinetic fires, while providing near real-time target and threat updates

Provides procedural execution of dynamic targeting and air missions requiring detailed integration

Updates and sustains tactical data links to provide common tactical picture


Agile Control Integration Teams (ACIT) integrate C2 capabilities, multi-domain fires and effects into a supported commander’s ground operations

Provides air-ground planning and airspace control to create effects across multiple domains and the electromagnetic spectrum.


Provides mission command of subordinate Integrated Sensing and Effects Teams (ISET) capable of executing ground-based sensor operations at the forward edge of the battle area for the integration of kinetic and non-kinetic joint fires

Executes the find, fix, track, and assess phases of the kill-chain to support kinetic and non-kinetic operations from the forward edge of the battle area

Employs mesh networks through resilient and redundant communication nodes to extend theater networks


Provides a Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Air Support Operations Group (ASOG) / Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS) command element for assigned Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR) Forces

Provides reception, staging, onward movement, and integration (RSOI) of all TACP forces under its command as required

Ensures logistical, administrative, and communications support to all subordinate TACP echelons