The 23rd Wing is dedicated to protecting the environment while fulfilling its mission to Attack, Rescue, Prevail to Win Today's Fight. The 23rd WG mission is to optimally organize, train, equip and deploy precision attack, personnel recovery, and combat support to wing today's fight.

All personnel assigned to 23rd Wing units, tenants, and geographically separated units shall comply with this policy, relevant local, state and federal environmental regulations, Executive Orders, Department of Defense and Department of the Air Force policies.

The 23rd WG strives for continual improvement by:

- Maintaining air and water quality

- Protecting valuable natural and cultural resources, including management of listed species

- Managing waste materials in a manner that reduces the land disposal burden

- Sustaining training land availability and quality through adaptive land management

- Integrating environmental interests into all phases of this mission and operations in pollution prevention, restoration, natural resource conservation and environmental compliance

Moody has an Environmental Element, which is composed of several sections. These sections work in tandem to manage and maintain a healthy environment and ecology both in and around the base.

- EMS/NEPA: Planning to minimize environmental impact
- Restoration: Cleaning environmental damage
- Resources: Managing finite natural and cultural resources
- Compliance: Meeting all environmental standards
- Prevention: Eliminating pollution before it occurs

Copies of decision-making documents and information about the environmental restoration process are available for review at the Moody Air Force Base Environmental Restoration Office located in the 23d Civil Engineer Squadron.

These same documents also are available in electronic format at The Information Repository/Administrative Record can also be reviewed by setting up an appointment with the Moody Air Force Base Restoration Program Manager by calling the phone number listed below.

For more information about MAFB's environmental cleanup program and its activities, contact:

Environmental Restoration Program Manager
3485 Georgia Street
Moody AFB GA 31699-1707
Phone: 229-257-5812


Solid Waste Reduction - Moody AFB, in agreement with Greenway Services Incorporated, is taking an active part by promoting and integrating methods for reducing the amount of solid waste generated through reuse and recycling of waste materials.

Air Management - Maintaining clean air is a priority for Moody AFB, and our environmental element works with AFCEC and the Georgia EPD to make sure the air around the installation is clean and safe to breathe.  Moody AFB has a synthetic minor air permit that monitors air emissions from stationary sources on the base, such as aircraft painting operations and the use of generators.  Personnel are reminded to make sure that all air emission-generating processes are current and that all safe-guards are in place to minimize any potential air pollutants.  For more information on this program, contact the Moody AFB Air Program manager at 257-3849.