The Base Defense Group protects, defends and fights to enable Air Force, Joint and Coalition missions.


Proficient, resilient, air-minded defenders organized, trained and equipped to deliver global, first-in response against current and future threats to Air Force, Joint and Coalition missions; recognized and respected for our air-centric, synergistic, cross-functional expertise.

Airmen man defensive fighting postition


BDG units are trained and equipped to perform airborne insertion, air assault operations, airfield security assessments, base defense, mounted and dismounted patrolling, and command and control of defensive forces for one large base or several small sites. 

Airman parachutes from aircraft

Each multi-functional squadron within the Group contains security forces, intelligence, emergency management, engineering, communications, medical, logistics, and administration personnel able to operate with limited support from other deployed forces.

These squadrons can link with other integrated defense or initial entry and base seizure forces and provide a secure and smooth transition to airfield opening forces.

Airmen carry small arms

BDG units master tactical battlefield leadership and battle staff specialties to effectively integrate partner units into the fight. 

Effectively managing deployed defensive operations of austere and temporary basing options is essential to protecting personnel and air assets critical to delivering airpower anytime, anywhere.

Airmen discuss operations

Defensive Operations

 BDG Airmen train continuously to master defensive operations and capabilities required for area, mobile, linear, perimeter defenses and tactical retrogrades. These operations range from denying adversarial access to key terrain and enemy movement to destruction of adversarial forces in proximity to bases to decrease an enemy's capability and willingness to fight.

Airmen defend forward area

Offensive Operations

The best defense is a good offense. The BDG can conduct offensive actions to defeat and destroy adversarial forces before they can threaten or gain control of key terrain and resources in the battlefield. Offensive operations frequently occur within defensive actions as counterattacks and security area operations. These maneuvers are designed to neutralize threats in the area to protect air bases and enable unimpeded operations for air assets.

Airmen use heavy weapons on vehicles