
Civilian provides 50 years of Team Moody service

Myrtice Miller, 347th Communication Squadron publications and forms manager, searches for a file in her office recently. Ms. Miller has worked at Moody for 50 years and held a wide variety of positions. (Photo by Airman 1st Class Eric Schloeffel)

Myrtice Miller, 347th Communication Squadron publications and forms manager, searches for a file in her office recently. Ms. Miller has worked at Moody for 50 years and held a wide variety of positions. (Photo by Airman 1st Class Eric Schloeffel)

MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- One Team Moody member has worked on base longer than most Airmen have been alive. 

Myrtice Miller, 347th Communications Squadron publications and forms manager, recently reached her fiftieth year working at Moody, a rare milestone of experience filled with many memories and a variety of jobs. 

Ms. Miller was first hired to work in Moody's accounting and finance department Sept. 5, 1956. Five years later, cuts forced her to find another job, which she soon got at the base commissary. 

"Working at the base commissary was a great job," said Ms. Miller, 84, whose hobbies include square dancing and gardening. "I worked there for 18 years and did all the ordering and inventory." 

After those 18 years, Ms. Miller found work with Moody's Suggestion Program, now commonly referred to as the "IDEA" Program. During that time, she received suggestions to save Air Force money, and processed and submitted the ideas. After a few years and another round of Air Force changes, she found a job working at Moody's post office. 

In 1991, she started her current job at the 347th CS, where she handles the paperwork involving supplements to Air Force instructions. 

"I don't have a favorite job, because I liked them all," said Ms. Miller, a native Georgian and mother of two daughters. "All of my jobs have been a learning process for me. All of it has been great, and Moody is a great place to work. 

"I hear some young people who just arrive here say they dislike Moody, but until they get out and experience it, they don't know," she added. "In my opinion, there really isn't a better place to work than Moody." 

During her service, she has accrued more than 4,244 hours of sick leave and can't even remember the last time she called in sick, she said. 

In addition to her love for the job, Ms. Miller's longevity in the Air Force has given her the chance to visit many parts of the country, including Chicago; Houston; New Orleans; Orlando, Fla.; Little Rock, Ark.; Tucson, Ariz.; Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz.; Shaw AFB, S.C., and Charleston AFB, S.C. 

"I've traveled quite a bit since I've been at Moody," she said. "Along the way, I was also offered the opportunity to transfer to a few places, but I turned them all down. I love it here." 

Since her first day in 1956, Moody has experienced many changes, said Ms. Miller.
When I first arrived at Moody, the test I had to take for my job was located in old War World II barracks," she said. "Many of the old buildings are gone or have been rebuilt. But usually these changes were for the better." 

With 50 years of service at Moody, Ms. Miller says she will soon leave the base she's worked so long at. 

"I will probably end up calling it quits next year some time," she said. "I really would like to continue working, but there comes a time in your life when you have to do things, whether you want to or not." 

Though part of her wants to keep working to stay busy, she also looks forward to spending more time with her family and possibly taking college classes. 

"I will definitely enjoy spending more time with my grandchildren," she said. "I also can take classes when I leave here. I've always been interested in learning about human behavior, and what makes people tick. So I might take a few take classes pertaining to that subject." 

When she does leave, Ms. Miller and her 50 years of experience at Moody will be surely missed by her co-workers, said 1st Lt. Charles Barton, 347th CS support flight commander. 

"Ms. Miller's 50 years of experience is truly an awe-inspiring achievement," he said. "She has shown unwavering dedication to both the people and mission at Moody."