Chapel provides spiritual support for all

MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- "The Moody Base Chapel is more than just a place to worship; it's a place you can come and talk, and your words will never leave this room," said U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Stephen Voyt, 23rd Wing and Catholic chaplain.

The chaplains hold services for three denominations throughout the week and provide support to people of all religions who walk through their door.

The chapel has three chaplains from three denominations - Catholic, Southern Baptist and Disciples of Christ. However, they serve all who look for guidance, no matter their religion.

"As chaplains in the military we have to be open to all religions and ensure everyone is able to meet the needs of their religious beliefs," said Voyt. "When someone walks in who is of a different faith than our three denominations we try and help them connect with a church downtown that fits their needs."

The chapel will be inviting some of these local pastors onto base Nov. 3 to foster the relationships between these religions and the members at Moody.

"Having them come here really helps us get to know each other and they get a better idea of what we do here and what we provide to Team Moody members," said Voyt.

The chapel provides more than just religious support they help lead to an improved spiritual fitness state.

"I feel Airmen who exercise spiritual fitness have a lot of the stress of everyday life taken off of them," said Airman 1st Class John Yuhasz, 23rd Force Support Squadron fitness specialist.

The chapel is open to any members looking to further themselves religiously or spiritually.

"Any member is welcome to stop by the chapel and talk with me about the troubles they are having," said Voyt. "We are here to help."

For more information on the different programs the chapel provides contact 229-257-3211.