Officer court-martialed at Moody

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Robert Rushakoff,
  • 23d Wing Staff Judge Advocate
The Air Force's core values are simple and we all should know them by heart: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do. Following those three basic principles will keep you on the straight and narrow and set the example for all to follow.

However, if you fail in that quest and violate these fundamental concepts, you proceed at your own risk. Integrity first - never put your integrity on the line. It takes years to create, develop and protect yet it takes only seconds to destroy.

Below is a recent example of just that - an Airman that failed the very first core value. Had he put his integrity first, the court-martial described below would never have happened. He failed, people suffered, the system was put at risk. Why you ask - for personal gain and satisfaction. And the cost - massive, not just to the member but to the victims and families as well.

Before you are about to do something stupid (and yes we mean illegal), think about what you are risking. Is your personal integrity, career and for many a life-long dream really worth that one-time selfish pleasure? I think not.

General Court-Martial Results: On Dec. 19, 2013, a captain from the 23d Communications Squadron was court-martialed for attempting to give an unauthorized individual access to the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test in March 2013, and trying to establish unprofessional relationships with three Air Force ROTC Cadets from May 2012 to March 2013. For these offenses, he was found guilty of attempting to allow an unauthorized individual access to the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test and trying to establish unprofessional relationships with two Cadets. This Captain was, however, found not guilty of trying to establish an unprofessional relationship with the third Cadet. For these offenses, which were in violation of Articles 80 and 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, a military judge at a general court-martial sentenced him to four months confinement and a reprimand.