23rd Wing commander thanks Airmen for Moody AirFest '07

  • Published
  • By Col. Kenneth Todorov
  • 23rd Wing commander
In its first year at Moody Air Force Base, the 23rd Wing has hosted many historic events. We have welcomed visits from distinguished guests, general officers, and members of Congress, conducted numerous base-wide ceremonies and been honored to host living legends during the recent Flying Tiger Reunion.

This past weekend, however, I stood in awe as the base simply outdid itself and put its best foot forward during Moody AirFest '07. For two days, approximately 50,000 people poured into the base to witness the best the Air Force has to offer. You certainly did not let them down.

Airmen from every unit on base put forth the extra time and effort to ensure Moody could say thank-you to the local community for its unwavering support. South Georgia is well-renowned for its "Southern Hospitality," and the 23rd Wing definitely showed our visitors what this concept is all about.

Despite facing weather issues throughout the setup and tear-down efforts, you never quit working to ensure a successful Moody AirFest. Through it all, each of you displayed a tremendously positive attitude and demonstrated the highest level of professionalism in every task accomplished. Despite the enormous workload, it was evident everyone was having fun; that is the "Flying Tiger way."

I would be remiss if I didn't specifically mention a few Airmen who went above and beyond to make the AirFest a resounding success. None of this weekend's festivities could have occurred without the terrific job of the AirFest director, Capt. Sean Hosey. The event would also not have been possible without the heroic efforts of our security forces and services Airmen and augmentees, maintainers, and logistics readiness professionals.

However, these are just a few of the hundreds of Airmen that put "Service before Self" this past week to showcase Moody AFB to our visitors. I thank each and every one of you for your commitment, professionalism and excellence.

You are exceptional Air Force ambassadors, and it is my honor to serve as your commander.