Flying Tigers demonstrate outstanding teamwork, ability in ORI relook

  • Published
  • By Col. Gary Henderson
  • 23rd Wing commander
Last week, the Flying Tigers completed the relook of the Air Combat Command Inspector General Phase I Operational Readiness Inspection. From the IG team's initial reception to their weather-delayed departure that the 347th Rescue Group and 23rd Maintenance Group deftly handled, the Flying Tigers showed incredible teamwork and poise.

The inspectors validated our wing's ability to rapidly mobilize people, aircraft and equipment to potential hotspots across the globe.

I am impressed with the determined effort on the flightline during the inspection. We started with 12 A-10s ready for immediate evaluation by the inspectors and had the remaining aircraft ready for the generation process. The 347th RQG and 23rd FG, along with our Air Force Reserve partners, worked together over the weekend to ensure our A-10s were "ready to go to war."

By the end of the generation, our team delivered 20 of the 24 primary aircraft with no safety or technical order violations, which meant this generation met the scrutiny and incredibly high standards of the inspectors.

The IG team also validated the fact that we greatly improved our cargo packing, processing and documentation, areas which were previously identified as needing work but this time around received strong praise from the inspectors.

The combined efforts of our logistics professionals, unit-level workers and augmentees really paid off - the inspectors didn't find any problems with the cargo and they praised our Deployment Control Center warriors for their skill and organization. The effort the Flying Tigers put into delivering defect-free cargo showed when the inspectors noted the cargo increments were "meticulously organized and secured."

Additionally and without missing a beat, this team effort allowed our cargo professionals to recover 58 defenders from the 820th Security Forces Group who returned home from Haiti in the middle of the inspection.

In addition to generating aircraft and preparing cargo for shipment, the IG team looked at many other tasks last week. They were highly impressed with our security forces and how their augmentee teammates expertly demonstrated the ability to secure our base and its resources.

Another area the inspectors praised was computer network defense, citing that all individuals they tested executed the correct procedures in a timely manner to protect our network. This is an example of how each Airman in the wing played a tremendous role in the overall outcome of the inspection.

I am extremely proud of the teamwork the Flying Tigers showed last week. We clearly demonstrated that we are ready to deliver game-changing airpower anywhere in the world on short notice. The inspectors noted the confidence, ability and warrior spirit of our team and the vast improvement since last September.

I applaud the efforts of our active duty, reserve, civilians, retirees, family members and community partners for persevering over the past months to make our team stronger and better prepared to meet our mission of protecting our great nation. Moody is a great place to be and you all are the reason it is a "gem of the Air Force."

Congratulations Flying Tigers- you achieved success last week and the challenge now is to carry the gains we have made into the future.