Moody identifies significant environmental aspects

  • Published
  • By Jesse Webster
  • 23rd Civil Engineer Squadron environmental division
On Feb. 17, the Environmental Management System team inspected Moody activities, products and services, and identified two significant environmental aspects.

By identifying these aspects, the Moody EMS can assist with environmental sustainability.

An environmental aspect is any element of the organization's activities, products or services that can interact with the environment. For Moody, these were energy conservation and construction storm water.

Energy conservation ensures the responsible use of energy throughout the installation, including the adoption of innovative procedures that will conserve energy and improve energy efficiency.

In addition, highlighting construction storm water issues will help identify several areas of concern related to erosion and sediment control practices.

Today, the Air Force is evolving from a robust compliance and pollution prevention-focused environmental program to a continuous improvement-based program with a goal of long-term mission sustainability and resource management.

Per the environmental policy statement signed by the 23rd Wing commander on Nov. 5, 2009, it is everyone's responsibility to help protect the base's environment.

This new focus with a successful EMS will reduce mission impact on the environment while maintaining a high level of regulatory compliance.

An EMS is defined as the following:
- A framework that allows an organization to consistently control the effects its operations or processes may have on the environment and to continually improve its operating procedures.
- A system that establishes a management framework so that an organization's impact on the environment can be systematically identified and reduced.
- A continual cycle of planning, implementing, reviewing and improving the processes and actions that an organization undertakes to meet its organizational and environmental goals.

There are many benefits of implementing an EMS To reduce operational impact, the Air Force is committed to focusing not only on what activities happen at Moody, but also why they happen.

Over time, the systematic identification and correction of the system's deficiencies lead to better environmental and overall organizational performance and mission sustainability.