Absentee Voters Week: Sept. 27 to Oct. 4

  • Published
  • By Installation Voting Assistance Program
  • 23rd Wing
As part of "Absentee Voters Week" held Sept. 27 to Oct. 4, the installation voting assistance officer and unit voting assistance officers are working to encourage absentee voters to register and request absentee ballots.

We encourage those who already have registered, and received their ballots, to complete their absentee ballots and return them to their local election officials.

If voters have previously sent in their federal post card application (FPCA) requesting registration and an absentee ballot, but have not yet received their ballot, we offer help in filling out and sending in the federal write-in absentee ballot (FWAB) to serve as a backup in case the regular absentee ballot doesn't reach the voter in time to fill in and return to their local election officials to be counted in the November election.

If voters have not taken any steps toward registering and casting their votes, then we are encouraging them to simultaneously fill in and send in both the FPCA and the FWAB.

Starting with the Nov. 2 general elections, states must send ballots to military voters 45 days before the election, both by traditional mail and at least one means of electronic transmission such as email, fax or online ballot posting. Some states have even adopted full internet voting for military and overseas civilian voters.

Voters can go to https://www.fvap.gov/r3/fpca/home to fill in the FPCA using a wizard that assists the absentee voter in filling in the form based on their particular state and county of residence.

If voters do not receive their ballot by Oct. 2, they should use the FWAB as a back-up ballot. Voters can go to https://www.fvap.gov/r3/fwab/home to fill in the FWAB, which uses a similar wizard.

For each office for which they vote, voters write in either a candidate's name or their party designation. Individuals should check their state's election website for candidate information, which generally is available 45 days before the election.

Once completed, the voter then prints out the form, signs and returns it to their local election official. The wizards produce a document that includes their postage-paid envelope template, security envelope template, instructions to election officials, state-specific information and submission instructions, voter's declaration/affirmation, and write-in ballot pre-populated with the information and candidates the voter entered in the FWAB Wizard.

If the state allows faxed returns, the wizard will even prepare a fax cover sheet with the fax number to the local election official. If voters receive their state ballot after submitting the FWAB, they should vote and return the state ballot as well.

The state will only count the FWAB if the state ballot is not received by the deadline. More information and assistance can be obtained from UVAOs or IVAOs.

Your local voting assistance officers are Capt. Joshua Peter, 38th Rescue Squadron, and Capt. Lauren Loughrey, 23rd Wing. The contact information is vote@moody.af.mil or 229-257-8683.