30 ways your unit can save energy

  • Published
  • By Thea Spriggs
  • 23rd Civil Engineer Squadron resource efficiency manager
- Discuss ways to save energy with your co-workers.
- Create an energy committee to brainstorm energy saving tips.
- Turn off all the office and building lights at the end of the day.
- Install automatic room lighting controls that will turn lights on or off depending on occupancy or time of day.
- Make sure that bulbs, fixtures, lenses, lamps and reflective surfaces are cleaned of grease, dust and dirt regularly.
- Install motion sensor switches on lights in bathrooms, storage rooms and other little-used areas.
- Remind others to turn off lights and equipment when they leave.
-While maintaining safe lighting conditions for work areas, remove lamps where you have more lighting than you really need.
- Use task lighting instead of overhead lighting and light only the areas that are needed at the time. Providing the right lighting can save up to 15 percent on the lighting bill.
- Replace incandescent floodlight bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps.
- If you have a flat-roofed building, install skylights for natural lighting.
- When buying or replacing government-owned vehicles, compare the energy requirements of various models and buy an energy-efficient one. You can compare fuel economy among cars at www.fueleconomy.gov.
- Install programmable thermostats in your office or business. These inexpensive devices will optimize your building's heating and cooling needs.
- Keep the temperature set at 66 to 69 degrees in the winter and the air conditioning at 76 to 79 degrees in the summer.
- Close off and insulate unneeded windows and other openings.
- Gradually turn down the temperature on the hot water heater at work until you just barely run out of hot water. Then, turn it back up a notch.
- Wrap the hot water tank at work with insulation to reduce heat loss from the tank.
- Keep your exterior and freight doors closed. When buying or replacing computers, copiers and other office equipment, compare the energy requirements of various models and buy the most energy-efficient equipment.
- Carefully evaluate energy consumption when buying or replacing industrial equipment.
- Use heavy equipment during off-peak hours.
- Install ceiling and wall insulation. You'll save money on monthly utility bills and employees will be more comfortable.
- Turn off computers, printers, monitors and any other office equipment when not in use, especially overnight and on weekends.
- "Smart" power strips sense the presence or absence of office workers and turn the attached equipment on and off accordingly.
- Turn off business machines and industrial equipment when not in use.
- Reuse and recycle paper, metals, glass, plastics, cardboard and other industrial materials.

For more information on how you can save energy and money, e-mail moodyafbenergyteam@moody.af.mil or log on to www.energystar.gov.