3 easy finance steps after a deployment Published Nov. 3, 2011 By 1st Lt. Eric Hulshizer 23rd Comptroller Squadron financial services flight commander MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- When you return from a deployment, you will face many responsibilities as you return to Moody and your family. One of the most important tasks is to ensure your financial situation is secure. There are several vital areas to watch when you have returned from a deployment. Most of the steps that you can take are relatively easy and do not take a lot of time. However, if you are not prepared, you can put yourself and your family in a difficult situation. Here are three easy steps that you can take to ensure that your pay and entitlements are correct: 1) Ensure you check your Leave and Earnings Statement. Your LES is posted to myPay (https://mypay.dfas.mil) a week before you receive your end of the month paycheck. While it is important to check your LES every month, it is especially important to look at it during and after a deployment. You will be receiving additional entitlements during your time in the area of responsibility. Family separation pay, hardship duty pay and hostile fire pay will all be visible on your LES. When you return from deployment, these entitlements should stop. However, it is your responsibility to understand what you receive. If you receive an overpayment of an entitlement, it will be collected back from you. If you continue to receive an entitlement after a deployment, let the finance office know as soon as possible. 2) File your final travel voucher in Defense Travel System before you go on rest and relaxation. Once you have signed and submitted the voucher in DTS, make sure it is marked "approved." This is important for several reasons. Your deployed entitlements are stopped based on your dates on your voucher. Additionally, a paid voucher will pay off your balance on your travel card. Finance will approve your voucher before it pays out. However, if you forget a receipt or are missing dates on the voucher it will be returned to you for correction. Check your email and watch DTS to see if it is returned to you for action. The sooner that the voucher is approved and paid, the better off your situation will be. 3) Ensure your GTC or CSA Card is paid off. While a final travel voucher will pay off your reimbursable expenses, there may be a difference between the amount that was paid to the card by DTS, and the amount you still owe. It is always a good idea to contact Citibank to ensure you have a zero balance on your card. For any specific questions related to your pay and entitlements, either email 23cpts.fso@moody.af.mil, call 229-257-1482/5233 or stop by Bldg. 105. Lobby hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday to speak with a finance representative.