Unit climate surveys begin with new management

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Courtney Sebastianelli
  • 23rd Wing Public Affairs

With the growing awareness of the military workforce climate and the challenges Airmen face within the organization, the Air Force recently made a change to the management of the Defense Organizational Climate Surveys, which are taking place at Moody Air Force Base from August 1, 2023 to October 31, 2023.


The DEOCS is a congressionally-mandated, unit-level climate survey that provides commanders with unit-specific information on critical personnel topics so they can take immediate steps to improve their command climate.


The supervision and responsibility of the DEOCS transitioned from Equal Opportunity offices to the Integrated Prevention and Response offices to streamline the process as well as offer more resources once the survey has been reviewed.


“Team Moody is only as strong as its weakest link,” said Col. Paul Sheets, 23rd Wing commander. “Ultimately the goal is for our leaders to better understand the climate within the unit – both positive and negative aspects related to the work environment. These assessments will highlight the areas we can better improve to strengthen our force. I encourage Airmen at all levels to participate so together we can get after the things that really matter.”


These modifications are intended to provide command leadership a more direct way to analyze and pinpoint units strengths and the areas that need improvement. In addition to the shift of management, the use of QR codes has also been implemented for the first time at Moody Air Force Base in order to allow Airmen and DoD civilians easier access to the survey.


“Historically speaking, participation in the survey is around 30%,” said Jacinta Howell, 23rd Wing IPR director. “In an effort to increase participation, our office helped units develop QR codes to allow Airmen an easier way to have their voices heard.”


With a higher participation rate, Howell said she hopes Team Moody will get a more comprehensive picture of the areas which need improvement. The higher participation rate will also allow commanders to better visualize issues and shortfalls that may exist within work centers.


Within 60 days of the DEOCS closing, the IPR office will develop a community action plan with the commanders to address specific risk areas and how to address them. Commanders are required to share the results and plan of action with their units within 30 days after meeting with the prevention staff.


The biggest changes and impacts can only happen with increased participation, Howell expressed.


Airmen interested in participating in a survey should work with their leadership to access their unit’s site.