Health, wellness center promotes nutrition

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Leticia Hopkins
  • 347th Rescue Wing Public Affairs
Held each March, National Nutrition Month is dedicated to promoting the importance of good nutrition and physical activity.

The Health and Wellness Center here is providing information and activities to help individuals learn more about a healthier lifestyle and stay “Fit to Fight.”

Good nutrition is more than just eating healthy; it must be accompanied by regular physical activity.

“They go hand-in-hand,” said Tech. Sgt. Chelsea Montgomery, NCO in charge of health promotion. “They feed off of each other. Exercise will only enhance your eating regiment.”
Healthy eating is important to help people get the most from life, said Airman First Class Zarina Ostrowske, 347th Aerospace-Dental Squadron diet therapist.

“It prevents future medical problems like hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes,” she said. “It helps you to live a long healthy life.”

Along with providing future medical benefits, good nutrition can provide more success with current activities like the annual physical fitness assessment. Airmen are required to be fit and mission ready.

Good nutrition plays a big part in physical assessment, said Airman Ostrowske. Abdominal circumference is worth 30 points and when people eat healthier, they can perform better on the other aspects.

The HAWC has scheduled seven seminars this month. The first one, a tour designed to provide information on shopping for better nutrition, was held March 3 at the commissary.

“I arrived at Moody in the summer of 2005 and have never had a tour of the commissary although I shop there weekly,” said Master Sgt. Dianna Vallely, 347th Medical Group executive senior NCO. “I usually just run through and pick up the items I need.

“I’ve always wondered why the natural peanut butter has the oil film over it,” she said. “I always thought it was so unhealthy. The young lady informed me that the other peanut butters have the oil mixed in which makes them less healthy.”

The HAWC is also giving a prize to all participants who attend all seven events.
In addition to March’s activities, the HAWC offers several classes offered to help with nutrition. 

“I would highly recommend folks go to the HAWC to receive this information,” said Sergeant Vallely. “The (HAWC representative) who presented the information was extremely knowledgeable. She teaches people how to read labels and how to cut calories but still flavor food so it tastes good.”

The HAWC staff also provides tips on weight loss, maintaining weight and lifestyle changes.

“By following a healthy eating plan using the Food Guide Pyramid, choosing healthier foods more often, watching your portions and exercising, you should be able to lead a healthier life,” said Airman Ostrowske.

It’s good to eat nutritious foods but should always maintain a healthy calorie level, said Sergeant Montgomery. Over-eating nutritious foods can also have adverse affects.

“If weight loss is your goal, you should ensure your calorie intake is less than your calorie expenditure,” said Airman Ostrowske. “To maintain weight, there should be an equal balance between your calorie intake and expenditure.”

When making lifestyle changes, people need to set a goal with a reasonable time frame.

“It is important to make small changes and not to change everything at one time,” she added. “Too much change may be unrealistic and will only set you up for failure.”