Chaplain gets ‘real’ during resiliency training

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Erick Requadt
  • 23d Wing Public Affairs

Airmen from the 23d Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) participated in a “Resilience: For Real Life & Real People” seminar Sept. 10, 2019, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga.

The event was hosted by the 23d Wing chaplain, and served as an interactive experience for Airmen, providing practical approaches they can use regularly to improve the resiliency culture in their squadrons.

“I want this [training] to be applicable to our Airmen,” said Maj. Steven Cuneio, 23d Wing Chaplain. “For them to be able to recognize that our pain, suffering and our hardships don’t define our lives. It’s important for us to be real about it. Resiliency doesn't stop; it's ongoing. We have to practice that every day.”

Cuneio has already conducted this event 13 times across base in response to the Resiliency Tactical Pause, with his hope to have this be something all squadrons are able to readily utilize.

During the event, Cuneio engaged the participants through shared stories and open dialogue to encourage Airmen to look beneath the surface, establish a support system and view struggles in perspective.

“Airmen are always [more] encouraged by the answers that are given by others,” Cuneio said, “They relate to it. They feel like they're not alone. My intent is for this to really resonate with Airmen.

“Sometimes the surface doesn't tell the whole story,” Cuneio added. “What is something you and I can do? We can all show care and concern. We can effectively demonstrate that by putting forth time and effort into an Airman's life to really be a Wingman. That's really where the core values come in when it comes to service before self.”

Maj. Jonathan Laughrun, 23d CES operations flight commander, saw how Cuneio’s efforts were critical not only for junior Airmen, but leadership as well to improve the support and care given.

“[Leadership] wants Airmen to know that they’re not alone and that there's always somebody out there who cares,” Laughrun said. “It’s everybody's responsibility to care and show concern for their fellow Airmen, and to put the time and effort forward to make sure that everybody is cared for, from the frontline supervisors to peers and subordinates, everyone can care for our brothers and sisters.

“The fact that everybody has issues or has major life events that they're going through shows why this is important,” Laughrun added. “Now, Airmen know there's at least one person on the base that has their back, and that’s the Chaplain.”

For squadrons wanting more information on how to have a seminar conducted for them, they can contact the base chapel at 460-3211.