WSA: Moody’s multi-headed dragon

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Erick Requadt
  • 23d Wing Public Affairs

What do a photojournalist, a lawyer and a chaplain all have in common? They’re all part of the Wing Staff Agency (WSA).

The 23d Wing (WG) WSA provides critical support to the wing and tenant units as well as a wide variety of services to members of Team Moody.

“Our greatest mission is to ensure Airmen can do their mission and not have to worry about other matters, like how they’re going to get paid,” said Lt. Col. Richard Swengros, 23d WG director of staff. “Across the WSA, our goal is to allow all of our groups and squadrons to be more effective and efficient, allowing them to focus on their mission set. We do that through our customer service and coordinating our plans and efforts.”

The 18 unique staff agencies provide support for Airmen and their families, and include: the Comptroller Squadron, Inspector General, Safety Office, Plans and Programs, Protocol, Command Post, Equal Opportunity, Chaplain, Information Protection, Judge Advocate, Public Affairs, Historian, Violence Prevention, Community Support, Drug Demand Reduction, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, and Executive Staff.

“WSA is this multi-headed dragon that has different purposes and you can't just put it in this one little box because it's not what WSA is,” said Master Sgt. Cori Fouts, 23d WG first sergeant. “You have all these Airmen that do multiple kinds of support functions, and it's not just tailored to one specific area.”

Jacqueline Hall, 23d WG equal opportunities (EO) director, explained how having various agencies under one roof serves as an umbrella to support the commander’s priority of caring for Airmen and families.

“[Our structure] allows the customer to receive help in several specialties from professionals that are focused on supporting Team Moody,” Hall said. “They can receive help in so many areas that range from inviting a distinguished visitor to the wing to assistance with dispute resolution. Airmen can know they’re going to get the best because that's what we have here.”

Swengros highlighted that having many of the Airmen come into the agencies from different career fields allows WSA to better serve the base as a whole.

“[WSA] brings all this subject matter expertise together to better execute the wing commander's priorities to deploy Airmen, develop courageous leaders, care for Airmen and their families, and prepare for tomorrow,” Swengros said. “We're always looking for those interested in joining the WSA team who want to attain a breadth of experience to see a bigger picture across the wing and how it works, what we're doing, and how we can better care for the Airmen and families as the Airmen accomplish their missions.”

Fouts, who had previously served as a maintainer for more than 13 years before joining WSA in protocol, illustrated first-hand how getting immersed into WSA has been an eye-opening experience.

“Before I came to protocol, I couldn't tell you what WSA was,” Fouts said. “I realize now how it's all the supporting agencies that help the commander run an effective base.

“For the base to run on a level that's conducive to the Air Force, Moody needs all these supportive agencies,” Fouts added. “Airmen aren't robots; they need a chaplain, they need EO. It's all these agencies that really help this well-oiled machine keep running.

“There's so much more to the Air Force than anybody really lets on,” Fouts concluded. “To see this other part of the Air Force is really refreshing and it makes me aware of what other people do and how they contribute to the mission.”