(229) 257-3333
After duty hours, call the Command Post at (229) 257-3501/3504

The Airman & Family Readiness Center is the cornerstone of the Moody family support system, helping Airmen and families enhance their readiness and quality of life. Active duty military members from all services and their family members, Guard and Reserve members and their dependents, retired military personnel and their family members, and Department of Defense civilians are eligible customers. The AFRC serves as a one-stop information and referral center and one of its major functions is linkage--ensuring military personnel and their families are connected with the appropriate services on and off base.

(229) 257-3898

The resiliency element collaborates with key community leaders, IDS and other helping agencies to provide services that enhance the resilience of AF communities and reduce the incidence of family maltreatment and alcohol/drug misuse.

Mental Health
(229) 257-3898

Mental health's mission is to provide optimal mental health services to support the goals of the 23d Wing and 93d AGOW. They provide military personnel mental health services and ensure deployability.

Family Advocacy
(229) 257-4805

The main goal of the Family Advocacy program is to prevent child and partner abuse by designing programs to meet primary and secondary prevention needs and improve community resilience.

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention
(229) 257-3898

The mission of the ADAPT program is to build a healthy Air Force community by implementing programs that educate with awareness and enhance prevention efforts toward healthy life styles. The program also provides effective substance abuse/ dependence treatment for active duty members.

Drug Demand Reduction (DDR)
(229) 257-5900

The mission of the DDR program is to maintain the health and wellness of a fit and ready fighting force and a drug free Air Force community. The program assists in detecting and indentifying individuals who use and abuse illegal drugs.

(229) 834-6888

This program provides short-term, non-medical counseling
and situational problem-solving services to
military personnel and families fora  wide
variety of life skills and military lifestyle
issues at no cost.

(229) 257-3211

The base chapel's mission is to provide for the spiritual and moral needs of the Moody Air Force Base community by being ready to provide ministry any time, any place. The chapel stands ready to help you improve the quality of your life and enhance your spiritual growth. Worship services are held every Sunday at the base chapel.

(229) 257-7272
24/7 Crisis Line - (229) 560-5085

The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program is responsible for implementing and managing the prevention and response of sexual assault and other acts of interpersonal violence for Team Moody. Their primary mission is to ensure each person's freedom from sexual assault in their working and living environment. 

(229) 257-4292

The HAWC is part of the 23d Medical Group and is located at the Freedom I Fitness Center. The HAWC has an active health promotion program intended to educate and improve the level of health of all beneficiaries. The services and programs offered include: Air Force fitness program, tobacco cessation counseling, stress management workshops, monthly health events and educational classes presented by diet technicians

(229) 257-6798/5009/4730

The primary objective of the EO program is to improve mission effectiveness by promoting an environment free from personal, social or institutional barriers that prevent Air Force members from rising to the highest level of responsibility possible based on their individual merit, fitness and capability. Air Force policy is to conduct its affairs free from unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment.

Mental: Approaching life's challenges in a positive way by demonstrating self-control, stamina and good character with choices and actions; seeking help and offering help.

Physical: Performing and excelling in physical activities that require aerobic fitness, endurance, strength, flexibility and body composition derived through exercise, nutrition and training.

Social: Developing and maintaining trusted, valued friendships that are personally fulfilling and foster good communication, including exchange of ideas, views and experiences.

Spiritual: Strengthening a set of beliefs, principles or values that sustain an individual's sense of well-being and purpose.

Spiritual fitness is about having a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. It's essential to an individual's resiliency as esprit de corps is vital to a unit's mission accomplishment.

It includes but not limited to worldviews, religious faith, sense of purpose, sense of connectedness, values, ethics and morals.